International Nurses Day Quiz Questions

Nurses Day Questions And Answers 2022

 International Nurses 'Day is celebrated around the world every year from May 12. International Nurses' Day, the birthday of Florence Nightingale (IND), is commemorated every year by ICN with the production and distribution of resources and evidence.

 Below are the quiz questions related to May 12 International Nurses Day.

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1. The theme of this year's (2022) Nurses' Day ........

Nurses: A Voice to Lead - Invest in Nursing and Respect Global Health Safety Rights

2. World Nurses Day

May 12

3. Whose birthday is celebrated as World Nurse's Day?

Florence Nightingale

4. Year of birth of Florence Nightingale

May 12, 1820

5. Where was Florence Nightingale born?

In the city of Florence, Italy

5. Who was the first woman to be awarded the ‘Order of Merit’?

Florence Nightingale (1907)

6. By what name is the award for the best nurse in Kerala given?

Sister Lini Puthussery Award

7. Who was the first Health Minister of independent India?

Princess Amrita Kaur

8. Which World Health Organization celebrates the Year of Healthcare Workers?


9. The current (2022) Health Minister of Kerala

Veena George

10. Which organization gives the Florence Nightingale Award for Best Nurse?

International Red Cross

11. Parents of Florence Nightingale

William Edward Nightingale

Francis Nightingale

12. What is the message of World Nurses' Day 2021?

Nurses: A Voice to Lead - A Vision for Future Health Care

13. Who is the mother of modern nursing?

Florence Nightingale

14. "Our thoughts and feelings should not be confined to words ... only when those actions change will they bear fruit ..." Whose words are they?

Florence Nightingale

15. Who has authored books such as Notes on Nursing and Notes on Hospitals?

Florence Nightingale

16. When did Florence Nightingale die?

19 August 1910

17. Where does Florence Nightingale rest?

East Margaret Churchill, East Vello, Hampshire

18. From which year did ICN start celebrating World Nurses' Day?

Since 1965

19. What is the full form of ICN?

The International Council of Nurses (International Council of Nurses)

20. May 12 is World Nurses' Day


21. In which year did Queen Victoria confer the ‘Royal Red Cross’ honor on Florence Nightingale?


International Nurses Day Quiz Questions PDF Download CLICK HERE

22. Who is the 'woman of light'?

Florence Nightingale

23. Who is known as 'The Angel of Crimea'?

Florence Nightingale

24. Who was the first woman to be elected to the Royal Statistical Society in 1959?

Florence Nightingale

25. The Crimean War was fought between which countries?

The war between Britain, France and Turkey against Russia

26. In which year was the Crimean War fought?


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